Texture Browser

wood 035v2

Scotch Pine, Knot


300 cm x 400 cm @ 51 DPI300 cm x 99 cm @ 85 DPI300 cm x 36 cm @ 127 DPI
Size 6000 px x 8000 px (48 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 400 cm = 12 m²
9.8 ft x 13.1 ft = 129.2 ft²
Resolution 20 px/cm
50.8 px/inch (DPI)
Size 10000 px x 3300 px (33 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 99 cm = 3 m²
9.8 ft x 3.2 ft = 32 ft²
Resolution 33.3 px/cm
84.7 px/inch (DPI)
Size 15000 px x 1800 px (27 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 36 cm = 1.1 m²
9.8 ft x 1.2 ft = 11.6 ft²
Resolution 50 px/cm
127 px/inch (DPI)

This texture is also available separately in much greater resolution, e.g. for printing. Get in touch to learn more.


Botanical Name

Pinus spp. (Fam. Pinaceae)

Trade Names


Indigenous to

Scotch Pine is widespread throughout Europe, especially in North Europe to Siberia and Asia. In Italy it is also prevalent (Trentino and Tyrol Etschland, North-Appenin).


Wood that is accentuated by beautifully constant and numerous healthy knots. The wood is highly resinous. The sapwood and the heartwood are clearly separated. The sapwood is pink-white; the heartwood goes from yellowish to pink-brown. The pitch streaks are clearly visible and bigger than by Whitewood and European Larch. Scotch Pine has an aromatic smell in fresh cutting, but no special taste. In general the structure is straight grained, the texture is rough and often irregular. The wood is soft, light weight and slightly elastic.

Included In

You can purchase this texture as part of Wood – Volume One.


Included Accessories

  • Material
    Coronaâ„¢ (3ds Maxâ„¢ 2022+) mat
  • Material
    Coronaâ„¢ (Cinema 4Dâ„¢) c4d
  • Material
    VRayâ„¢ (3ds Maxâ„¢ 2022+) mat
  • Material
    Maxwell Renderâ„¢ (3.1+) mxm


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