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wood 079v2

Alder, Red


300 cm x 400 cm @ 51 DPI300 cm x 99 cm @ 85 DPI300 cm x 36 cm @ 127 DPI
Size 6000 px x 8000 px (48 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 400 cm = 12 m²
9.8 ft x 13.1 ft = 129.2 ft²
Resolution 20 px/cm
50.8 px/inch (DPI)
Size 10000 px x 3300 px (33 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 99 cm = 3 m²
9.8 ft x 3.2 ft = 32 ft²
Resolution 33.3 px/cm
84.7 px/inch (DPI)
Size 15000 px x 1800 px (27 Mpx)
Seamless Vertically
Real size 300 cm x 36 cm = 1.1 m²
9.8 ft x 1.2 ft = 11.6 ft²
Resolution 50 px/cm
127 px/inch (DPI)


wood 079v2


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This texture is also available separately in much greater resolution, e.g. for printing. Get in touch to learn more.


Botanical Name

Alnus rubra Bong., Alnus oregona Nutt. (Fam. Betulaceae)

Trade Names

Roterle, Oregon-Erle, Red alder, Western alder, Oregon alder, Aulne de l´Oregon


For interiors it will be used predominant stained as solid wood or veneer, frequently substituted for Cherry and African Mahogany; also for Abura, Agba, Pear (Pyrus communis), Lenga, Limba, Walnut, Rauli, American Red Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) und American Whitewood (Liriodendron tulpifera).

Indigenous to

In the western part of the USA, in the coastal mountain ranges of Canada and the Islands of British-Columbia


The sapwood and the heartwood are hardly distinguishable. The sapwood is very broad and lighter than the heartwood, which ranges between light brown and red when fresh, but darkens quickly to a dark red-brown because of its high tannin content. Annual rings and growth layers are distinguishable. The structure is straight grained, the texture is thick, medium-rough and constant. The wood rays are very thin and low.

Also Included In

Save 76% when purchasing this texture as part of Wood – Volume Three!


Included Accessories

  • Material
    Coronaâ„¢ (3ds Maxâ„¢ 2022+) mat
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    Coronaâ„¢ (Cinema 4Dâ„¢) c4d
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    VRayâ„¢ (3ds Maxâ„¢ 2022+) mat
  • Material
    Maxwell Renderâ„¢ (3.1+) mxm


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